Monday, September 16, 2013

Friendship? IDK.

I always believe that if someone wants to meet up, there will be a chance. DEFINITELY. :D

Those who always blabbers bout meeting up and ends up rejecting EVERY SINGLE TIME are just lame excuses :)

I admit, i do that sometimes, but only people that i am or at least i think i'm not comfortable with. heh xD

Had yumcha session idk when with Jesse and some other peooooople before she flew to India and it has been AGES since i met her. :D

And we were invited by her mom to her surprise birthday / farewell party last friday! TBH i never thought I would have seen her again before she flew after the yumcha session xD

Its kinda funny how we almost failed surprising her but thankfully she wasn't wearing specs at the time xD
We clearly had an EYE TO EYE contact yet she didn't notice it was us xD

With the help of her sis calling her, we succeeded in surprising her and her surprised face was PRICELESS. ;D

Anyways, we had good food and good times!
Have a wonderful study experience in India! :D

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