Monday, September 9, 2013


Went to college this morning just like how I always did, reach earlier than usual so i had like 30 mins of spare time to wait for parking in the free parking zone hoping that I would have got a parking nearby the entrance but missed it TWICE. -_____-

So had no choice and ended up parking at the end of the free parking AGAIN, *FACEPALM*
After lecture, when I was walking to my car, this guy behind me kept calling for someone name Joyce like $#@$$#$ times, and I was like....... okay. why is he calling so loudly but yet the people in front of me gave no response at all? and all of the sudden he tapped my shoulders and said hi to me. uhhh. wudddddddd?

After realizing that I wasn't the person he was looking for, he apologized and everything, saying I really looked like a friend of his.. the shape and color and what so ever. Then he started asking for my name and stuff.. FINALLY he asked me where i parked my car and I was jumping in my heart. HAHAHAHAHA. told him how far i parked and he offered to give me a lift. LIKE OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH I DON'T HAVE TO WALK. HEH ;D

In the car he started talking about how he got into an accident and just got his car fixed, which is very weird since we barely know each other? At that point I wasn't really sure whether he really thought that I was a friend of his, or whether he just made it up to get to know me. Why would you tell a girl that you've barely know bout stuff like these?.. LOL. Either way his really friendly, and his in his 6 semester, SENIORRRRRRR. haha xD

I've met a couple of friendly and nice guys that offered me a lift during a HOT SUNNY DAY in free parking. And both of them coincidently seemed to be taking IBM. I find people taking IBM rather friendly and sociable. :)
I'm still SUPER DUPER thankful that he gave me a lift. THUMBS UP FOR HIS KINDNESS! WOOTS! ;D

Came home realizing mom was hospitalized after staying in bed sick for 2 days, but bro said she had to stay there for a day or two. Sigh. get well soon mom! :)

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