Sunday, September 8, 2013

made a comeback and moved! :D

Somehow i really missed blogging but i didn't really have the URGE to blog. till now :D

Wretch had to die on me, well more like its gonna die on me at the end of the year, so i had to move! which is a good thing, all the bad memories that i had in that blog will be left there. as for the good memories, i shall make new ones HERE! :D

I'm a happier person compared to the me in my past and i've accomplished that without having a boy friend so yes, i'm proud! though there are times when life gives me lemon...... but that's just how life works. so i'll just have to accept and bare with it.

Definitely will blog more often since i took the whole day to design my new blog, though i'm not satisfy with my address link but i can't think of a good one now. heh xD

a bun's expression that I can relate to.

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