Monday, October 7, 2013

The Unexpected Day!

28th of October was an UNEXPECTED DAY for ME! ;D

I did not expect to have met The Ming Thing, Dan Khoo from DanKhoo Productions, and JinnyBoy from JinnyBoyTV! AND I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT IN MY LIFE TO MEET A YOUTUBE CELEBRITY, CHESTER SEE!!!! Not forgetting MINIONS AND SMURFS! 

Omgosh. so many dreams of mine came through all in one day <3

Love and kisses from Chester See <3
We were waiting for him to come out of the lecture hall and almost gave up thinking that he already left before we arrived till we saw MAMA SEE xDD We ran down and he coincidentally came out of the lecture hall and I was totally fangirling! <3

Chester See is such a sweet heart. He was so kind and thank god he wasn't rushing anywhere. He agreed to take pictures with us and sign our stuff! <3 Mama See was sooooo cute, she repeatedly told Chester to say Terima Kasih and Saya Sayang Kamu to us while he was signing our stuff <3

Before he left he said "I'll see you guys later kay?" and I was like OKAY! even though i said i wasn't gonna stay for the concert. LOL

So i ended up staying for the concert since i promised him. HAHAHA XD
And i'm sooooooooooo glad i did! I ended up meeting so many Malaysian Youtubers! And i was able to hear Chester See sing live! it was PERFECT. <3

Jinny Boy from JinnyBoyTV

Ming Han from The Ming Thing
 I actually got a picture with Ming Yue and Ming Han together but its too blur ):

Dan Khoo from DanKhoo Productions
If you have not watched their videos, YOU DEFINITELY SHOULD! Check them out and subscribe to them <3


i'm still waiting for Jerry to upload the picture he took of me and minion using his DSLR. ._.

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