Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Am I at an age where I must date?.. Why the heck is everybody questioning on my relationship status?
Especially when I repeatedly said that i'm single. Makes me wonder whether I really look lonely or too occupied. LOL

It's like when I'm honest nobody actually believes and when I'm not honest, people just accepts and shut up. hahahaha

I've been hanging out more often than before only bcause it's the only time I can release stress. hahaha. Visually I might look like I have a lot of male friends, but truthfully, there's less than a hand full that I consider as true friends. I may seem close with alot of them simply bcause I'm very used to hanging out with guys. Going out alone with them doesn't mean we're in a relationship or me liking him or he liking me.

I just feel SUPER DUPER COMFORTABLE hanging out with my male friends because I don't need to guess and think what's on their mind, they usually just tell me. Unlike 90% of my female friends.

I'm very happy and satisfied with my life right now if I exclude my working life. So stop questioning / hovering me on my relationship status. I'm gonna be SUPER DUPER honest to the next person that ask questions on my relationship status so I actually get the message out xD

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