Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What goes around, comes around.

that phone call has been keeping me distracted for the past few days.
I sincerely hope it's the last call i'll hear from her because it's the ONLY REASON why I kept myself saint enough to not screw her over the phone.

If I get another call from her i'm gonna screw her.
She's been tormenting us mentally for the past 10 years. As if causing a broken family wasn't enough.
Part of me is happy that payback has finally hit her. KARMA worked at it's best.
But part of me wondered WHY THE FUCK would she bother calling? I didn't need her to tell me how fucked up my dad is as a man. I DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW IT THROUGH HER.

And for her to think that she could call and not even SUGGEST to apologize for what she's done is horrible. I HAD TO TELL HER TO APOLOGIZE. like WTF?
You're never gonna be forgiven if that was what you were after. I hope you didn't expect us to show you ANY SYMPATHY, because you're not worth it.

Don't even bother telling me how much you love him. THAT ISN'T LOVE. if you need to crush other ppl's love to fulfill your so call LOVE.. than it's bullshit.

I could have become a very different person as to what I am now.. Not that i'm not proud or happy of how I turned up.. but I could have been better perhaps. So yes, I'll always blame you.

I do not appreciate this fucked up situation he put me in but i'll take it in and learn from it. So whoever that can't understand that should just shut up. Show your concern and SHUT THE FUCK UP. I do not need any advise unless you've been through something VERY SIMILAR / EXACTLY what I've been through.

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