Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Paris: As a Tourist

I've finally granted my own wish of travelling alone! :D
Yes, although it wasn't completely alone but I did most of the travelling myself!
I absolutely love the feeling of being able to do sightseeing alone! :D

When i'm with friends, I usually let them decide and i would just follow along, so when they decide to leave, i'll just leave.
But when i'm travelling alone its a whole different story! I had to do all the research! Yes, i'll admit, i did got lost around Paris. HAHAHAHAHA. But its normal. I couldn't ask anyone knowing most of them probably don't understand english. xD

The good thing about travelling alone is that you won't have to rush. I didn't have to rush taking pictures nor wait up for people. It was all about me. I was able to take as much time as i want in one spot. :D

I accidentally ran into this beautiful cathedral! Growing up watching Hunchback of Notre-Dame over and over again. This building meant a lot! It brought back lots of memories from the past! Whether it was a good or bad.

If i ever come back again, i might pay and go inside the cathedral. it looked amazing in the cartoon. at least that's what I remember... hahaha

As much as I love travelling with my friends, I LOVE travelling alone. :D

The Pont Des Art Love bridge didn't look as beautiful as I was expecting it to though.. Maybe my expectation was just too high. hahaha OR maybe its bcause i'm single. LMAO.

I mainly went to Lovre Pyramid because of the structure and then i realize everybody was trying to touch tips with the pointy end. It was hilarious watching everyone taking picture with the same pose. I literally stood there for 10 mins just to watch ppl trying to touch tips with the pointy end. xD

But tbh, the building surrounding the pyramid watch so much more interesting imo.

After passing by this, I realized FTISLAND came here an hour later, they had a selfie with the same building.. which is sad. I COULD HAVE MET THEM. but oh well, its fate.

My next goal as a fan is to run into them when i'm outside, instead of stalking them from the back door of a concert venue xD

Overall, I gained a lot from this Paris trip as a fan and as a normal person! :D
I'm so happy I had this chance. 2 of my life goals were fulfilled during this trip!

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