Wednesday, December 24, 2014


The power of money is really strong. Money can bring you luxurious and also destroy almost anything depending on how its handled!

I was aware of it but never expected to actually experience such problem in my life, at least not at this stage of my life. Mainly because I like to make it clear when it comes down to money, although I do have a crappy memory that makes me forget things easily. LOL

Sometimes I wonder whether i'm thinking over maturely or are their thoughts childish?
Especially being in the overseas, money becomes way more sensitive. Things should be calculated clearly to avoid misunderstanding which will lead to quarrels -.-

I HATE being stuck in the middle, especially if i'm one of the victim! Did you not thought even for a second that I didn't like what you did?

Coming to UK made me realize that there are WAY more different personalities that I have not seen, typically from a guy. LOL

Although the money problem has been settled but there's gonna be a distance between their friendships, and its all because of how they handled the problem. le sigh. The most annoying part of it is that i'll have to meet BOTH of them next semester. -_-

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