Monday, December 8, 2014

Productive Weekend! :D

Finally had one hell of a productive weekend in a healthy way :D
After so long, i've finally had a chance to have a proper session of basketball T_T

i've never thought I would wear long sleeves and pants for a bball session. its a #onlyinuk type of thing. HAHAHAHA.

And I made another trip down to Leamington Spa for my last session of Lantern Workshop as a volunteer yesterday!

Problem is i've wasted my weekend on playing, when will I be able to finish my my research proposal which is due on wednesday T_T

I want to submit it ASAP and enjoy my HOLIDAYYYYYYYY. holiday mood is officially ON. :D

and I miss the sea SO BAD right now T_T

Le poor white myvi accident again. Just after it got fixed from my previous accident. It's a bad year for me and my car. le sigh T_T
But bcause of that i've finally had a chance to see my KIKI on screen after 3 months! she's still fat like a big fat ball of fur. hahahaha. :D

And why is everyone so curious bout my past relationship. especially those that have nvr been in a relationship before. Didn't anyone teach you not to talk about the past? especially a relationship that didn't last forever? LOL.
Although i'm totally OK to talk about it. But it always feels weird having the need to talk about it. Especially when i've just met these bunch of people for like 3 months?

such a random post with a bit of everything that happened last weekend. :D

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