Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Happy 2015!!! 
Lets leave all the bad things in 2014 and go forward for the next 12 months ahead of us!!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Thank you.

I wanna thank a friend for personally calling me up inviting me to the party. Although I've already decided not to attend the Christmas Eve Party and ignored all the messages in the group chat, but still, thank you for calling me up! I was kinda shock that you actually called me. Totally wasn't expecting it and i'm still wondering why you called! It's not like we were that close..... hahahahaha. :D

And also, I was shocked from the feedbacks of my pictures from the Dublin - Belfast trip with my new college mates. LOL

First of all, thank you to the 2 friends that was concerned bout my relationship status... LOL. I can't believe that 2 of my friends actually thought that I have a new boyfriend through those pics. There wasn't even any solo pics of both of us.

Main point is that his takennnnnnn. omfg. knowing my personality, I wouldn't even think about having any feelings with a guy that already has a girl friend. It's not my style.. Can't believe she further questioned about my feelings after knowing he was taken. LOL.

We're just friends! And i'll admit, his is one of the normal ones from the bunch of people with weird personalities. But I have no feeeeeeelings on him. I hope his girlfriend doesn't have any thoughts like my friends. xD

If I were to have a boyfriend... I would let my close friends know when its time. No worries guys, you will be the first to know! Probably even before my parents knows bout it. hehe

Snow finally arrived yesterday! Its kinda disappointing that I couldn't enjoy it as much as I thought it would due to the heavy rain.. but oh well, it was nevertheless a good experience! :D

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


The power of money is really strong. Money can bring you luxurious and also destroy almost anything depending on how its handled!

I was aware of it but never expected to actually experience such problem in my life, at least not at this stage of my life. Mainly because I like to make it clear when it comes down to money, although I do have a crappy memory that makes me forget things easily. LOL

Sometimes I wonder whether i'm thinking over maturely or are their thoughts childish?
Especially being in the overseas, money becomes way more sensitive. Things should be calculated clearly to avoid misunderstanding which will lead to quarrels -.-

I HATE being stuck in the middle, especially if i'm one of the victim! Did you not thought even for a second that I didn't like what you did?

Coming to UK made me realize that there are WAY more different personalities that I have not seen, typically from a guy. LOL

Although the money problem has been settled but there's gonna be a distance between their friendships, and its all because of how they handled the problem. le sigh. The most annoying part of it is that i'll have to meet BOTH of them next semester. -_-

Saturday, December 20, 2014


4 days trip with new college mates was disappointing.
Went there with 12 people and ended up going on a trip with 4-6 people.

This proves that people with different personalities don't go together.
I really hate people misunderstanding me and i can feel the negative vibe from some of them.

I hope he doesn't talk about it with me tomorrow. Weird enough for him to call me out for lunch alone. I really don't want to talk about the trip anymore unless its about happy moments of course.

If they were to really misunderstand me, there's nothing much I can do.
Ignore and go on with life! :D

Sunday, December 14, 2014


This would have nvr happened at the first place if you didn't start the problem.

Irresponsible people that tries to fix the problem. too late.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Productive Weekend! :D

Finally had one hell of a productive weekend in a healthy way :D
After so long, i've finally had a chance to have a proper session of basketball T_T

i've never thought I would wear long sleeves and pants for a bball session. its a #onlyinuk type of thing. HAHAHAHA.

And I made another trip down to Leamington Spa for my last session of Lantern Workshop as a volunteer yesterday!

Problem is i've wasted my weekend on playing, when will I be able to finish my my research proposal which is due on wednesday T_T

I want to submit it ASAP and enjoy my HOLIDAYYYYYYYY. holiday mood is officially ON. :D

and I miss the sea SO BAD right now T_T

Le poor white myvi accident again. Just after it got fixed from my previous accident. It's a bad year for me and my car. le sigh T_T
But bcause of that i've finally had a chance to see my KIKI on screen after 3 months! she's still fat like a big fat ball of fur. hahahaha. :D

And why is everyone so curious bout my past relationship. especially those that have nvr been in a relationship before. Didn't anyone teach you not to talk about the past? especially a relationship that didn't last forever? LOL.
Although i'm totally OK to talk about it. But it always feels weird having the need to talk about it. Especially when i've just met these bunch of people for like 3 months?

such a random post with a bit of everything that happened last weekend. :D