Monday, October 20, 2014

A New Beginning

Officially living life in UK! Not sure whether I love it at the moment but its manageable! :)

Its definitely less stress studying in UK compared to Malaysia. We're only allowed to take 3-4 subjects per semester not like in Malaysia it was compulsory to pick 6 subjects per semester. But then again, i realize we learn much more in Malaysia compared to UK although some of them might be unnecessary in the future. xD

Finally have the taste of my final year project and omg its scaaaary. I still can't believe that i'll need to vomit out 7k of words that are proven in research. .________.

There are tons of china people in my class. Not that i hate them or anything. Its just me being me with crappy chinese skills. xD

Met a malaysian and he asked me why didn't I study in UWE instead since most of my friends would be there. Its actually a great question. It's really hard for me to get to know new friends since i'm an introvert but than again, i always find myself making decisions like these. I would prefer to have to meet new friends in a new environment instead of sticking to the same people especially if I don't like the environment. hahaha. YES. I do not fancy the environment in Taylors so I suppose it would be similar in UWE.

And me being an introvert, I sometimes LOVE spending time ALONE although people might think im weird or not friendly or etccccccccc. There are times when I would love to hang around with friends but there are also times where I like to be alone. Its just fun not needing to talk or wait or walk with others. I can control everything without having to let other know or concerning bout what others might think :D

I won't say i've met any new true friends atm, but there are some hi and bye friends which hopefully would turn into my true friends over the semester. :D

Gonna be volunteering for a cricket event tomorrow and im hoping its gonna be fun! ;D

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