Saturday, December 27, 2014

Thank you.

I wanna thank a friend for personally calling me up inviting me to the party. Although I've already decided not to attend the Christmas Eve Party and ignored all the messages in the group chat, but still, thank you for calling me up! I was kinda shock that you actually called me. Totally wasn't expecting it and i'm still wondering why you called! It's not like we were that close..... hahahahaha. :D

And also, I was shocked from the feedbacks of my pictures from the Dublin - Belfast trip with my new college mates. LOL

First of all, thank you to the 2 friends that was concerned bout my relationship status... LOL. I can't believe that 2 of my friends actually thought that I have a new boyfriend through those pics. There wasn't even any solo pics of both of us.

Main point is that his takennnnnnn. omfg. knowing my personality, I wouldn't even think about having any feelings with a guy that already has a girl friend. It's not my style.. Can't believe she further questioned about my feelings after knowing he was taken. LOL.

We're just friends! And i'll admit, his is one of the normal ones from the bunch of people with weird personalities. But I have no feeeeeeelings on him. I hope his girlfriend doesn't have any thoughts like my friends. xD

If I were to have a boyfriend... I would let my close friends know when its time. No worries guys, you will be the first to know! Probably even before my parents knows bout it. hehe

Snow finally arrived yesterday! Its kinda disappointing that I couldn't enjoy it as much as I thought it would due to the heavy rain.. but oh well, it was nevertheless a good experience! :D

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