Monday, August 18, 2014


4 business student decided to test their creativity and turns out we are not bad :D
well at least we're equally satisfied with our creations and that's what matters!
my weekend was well spent i guess. At first i thought it was a bad idea but looking at the finish products makes everything change. hehehe
this project kinda triggered the creativity side of me xD

can't believe it took us almost an hour to come up with this xD

took us even longer to decorate the whole shoe xD
well i took the longest due to my sort of shitty drawing skills. bahahahaha

the fact that i actually sketched a skull free hand is amazing. i'm so proud of myself. :_)
its another memory that is worth remembering!

anyone with experience on fabric paint and sharpie fabric pens, do let me know whether they bleed when contact with water. =/
thank you very much :D


Outside view
Inside view
Overall :)

le signature as a credit for my creativity :)

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