Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Happy Chinese New Year ended today for me!
no more visiting after tomorrow and back to enjoying my holiday.

after thinking for WEEKS. I made a decision to attend my friends bday party since every one of them insisted me to come :)
thankfully i reached there when they were almost done swimming since i didn't plan to swim and I couldn't -.-
Bday boy eventually invited someone that i find being awkward with, well not so much compared to before,
but yeah that awkwardness will nvr disappear since almost everyone that knows me knows about our awkwardness. HAHA.
Since it wasn't the first time, i got used to her being around, we just wouldn't talk.
I feel much comfortable chatting with the guys. xD

Thankfully the party wasn't as awkward as i thought it would have been.
In fact, i had fun! They are just one of the bunch that I wouldn't feel awkward being around with.
It must be some pixel dust magical curse. xD

Present was one of the biggest problem. At the end of the day, we decided to get him alcohol,
which they eventually insisted me to have a shot before I left.
Didn't want to drink at all since I was driving ALONE but since all 7 of them insisted, there was no way out -.-
Thank god they were thoughtful enough to mix vodka with Sprite. LOLOL

There was 1 thing i couldn't understand though, how the heck did his dad knew my name.
I have never once met his parents before but yet they know my name and how I looked like.
Must all of my friends family know me even when I don't know them?
Makes me feel damn weird okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I was so shocked when uncle called me, and i had no idea whether he was the father or an uncle? LOLOL.

Though we might not meet up all the time, nor do we share our secrets with each other. 
We still kept our friendship for up to 10 years (i think)! Which was one of the main reason why I decided to attend. :)
I mean what else do you expect from a friendship? At least we wouldn't feel awkward being around each other whenever we gather up. :)

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