Sunday, July 12, 2015

Thank you?

so a couple of my friends decided to give me so "so call" early surprise birthday celebration since most of us won't be around during the actual day.

But since I alrd knew and couldn't do much about it. I had to go with the flow.
Didn't really felt like celebrating my birthday this year mainly bcause of Kiki's passing.
I usually celebrate my birthday and go home thinking her birthday is in 3 days and we cuddle when I come home. 

But oh well. I don't expect anyone to understand this especially them since we barely known each other. I still appreciate the effort they made though. :)

The only thing I didn't really like was that they.. or should I said he paid for dinner. ):
I know how expensive korean cuisines are in UK and I sort of looked at the price while we were ordering although I can't remember exactly how much it was.. but i'm pretty sure it came up to be around at least 30 pounds for just the meat dishes we ate. Not inclusive of the vegetarian dish my friend called.

IT'S TOO MUCH. I would have let it go if there were a few more that chipped in and share the bill since that's what friends normally do during birthday celebrations. But there was only 2 that shared the bill and one of them basically paid mostly for his own dishes. In addition to that, you guys got me cupcakes and a toy. WHY?):

Now I feel so bad bcause I won't be around when it's his birthday so I can't treat him and I didn't even attend the birthday celebration for the other friend. I don't deserve this. ._____.
And the both of you always treat me stuff........ although you guys always say it's not much. BUT STILL. ):

We are all students in UK so I know how hard it is to save $$ in UK. sighhhhhhhh.

I will definitely find a way to repay them.

So thank you for the little celebration and thank you for not making it too big of a deal although I know it wasn't planned that way. :D


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