Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I've come to realize that people like pouring their secrets to me.
Even with people i've just met. But why? 

I'm learning about myself everyday. LOL! Apparently I don't look approachable when people first see me. But isn't that how all introverts look or feel like? ._.

And when people get to know be better, they tend to pour out their secrets to me. Not like its something big but I wouldn't share my secrets to someone i've just met for less than a month. Sometimes not even if we've met for years xD

I guess that's just how extrovert's are. xD Either way, i'm glad that i've met good people in UK. At least for now I think their good. They are a bunch of people that I can get comfortable with! 

I've been doing lots of stuff I normally don't do in Malaysia. And tbh if it wasn't that boring here, I probably still wouldn't attend so often. hahaha

Yesterday though, was enjoyable! To the extend where I'm close to losing my voice. LOL. It was ridiculously hyper yesterday for stupid reasons xD

Couple of my friends and family back in Malaysia have been worried bout me hanging out with a bunch of boys that i've just met which is understandable. But I'm fine, if I really hint something bad, I'll back off immediately! :)

And to the person that randomly pop's up on my whatsapp once in a blue moon and all of the sudden worries bout my health. Thank you and don't worry. I'll take care of myself! 

I really hope you find someone right for you and make ur parents proud! No pressure! :)

 I don't even know why i'm typing it here knowing these people wouldn't even read it. HAHA.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Life Lessons

I've come to learn a lot about life for the past few days but yet to understand the true meaning of friendship.

Friendship can be tested easily in many different ways and its up to one and another to adjust and adapt to maintain that friendship. ;)

Which is why i always leave a gap between my friendship, to be in the safe zone and provide myself space to improvise. :)

I've also reconfirmed myself that I can never be with someone that is too tacky! I love having a "zone" where I can be alone!
And I always appreciate people who respects my "zone" and back off when I need them too!
It's not always about being there for a the person anytime, its about being there for them when they NEED you to. :)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Is it really fate?

A lot has been telling me but i refused to believe it until my mom put down the same statement. It really made me question myself.

I've heard that I have some sort of fate in meeting with lots of guy. Apparently it seems that i'm always seen surrounded with guys.
It never really felt that way tbh. I'm just much more comfortable hanging out with guys compared to girls because most of the time, they are less complicated to deal with. Girls tends to create lots of unnecessary issues. YES. i too do that sometimes. ._.

But A LOT of my friends think that I have some sort of fate with guys. Apparently its so obvious that my even my mom felt it. ._______.
I was shocked when she told me that. I literally just shut up for like 10 sec and thought about it. LOL.

And she followed with the boyfriend question. If i really do have some fate with guys, it basically means that i'm always being friend zone, or I have a bad personality, or i'm naturally rejecting guys with my personality without even knowing, etc.............

Do I really have fate with guy? Do I really have lots of guy friends? ._.
I've seen many others with much more guy friends than I have though............. -.-