Tuesday, July 8, 2014

FINALS vs ME: Day 2

Today's paper was oooookaaayy. At least better than i expected.
His tips were quite accurate except for one chapter where he focused on 1 part during lectures and tutorials and also gave us additional notes and ended up coming out a completely different question that i completely ignored. 10 marks gone right there.

But overall it wasn't bad, and when i compared with a few of my friends, we all made the same mistake and had no clue how to do the same questions. LOL

I love how we never call each other on normal days and the phone keeps ringing before to teach each other questions that we don't understand and after the paper just to discuss on whether we did well on our paper. I think i spent almost 30mins talking on the phone while driving today only talking bout the paper. LOL

I STAYED UP TILL 3AM FOR THIS PAPER AND STUDIED LIKE HELL and the paper came out easier than i expected. I felt like i wasted my time preparing so much for this paper. -.-

But yeah, tmrw is the deadly paper, BANKING LAW.

God bless myself and i shall not fail my law paper AGAIN.

Current Score: 2 - 1

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