Saturday, July 12, 2014

FINALS vs ME: Day 4

there's only 1 word for today's paper, AWESOME!
finally for at least ONCE, there is a paper i actually knew how to answer all the questions T_T
unfortunately, it wasn't a major in my course, Human Resource Management. Did I picked the wrong major? LOL.

Despite having confidence in the exam paper, i don't know my coursework marks -.-
so yeah, its still a 50/50 chances of scoring an A for this paper.


Current Score: 3-3

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

FINALS vs ME: Day 3

Finally passed the deadly paper!! :D
i would say it was a tie bcause i knew how to answer 3 out of 4 questions
But whether or not the format of how i answered is correct place a big question. ._.

I should be able to pass the paper since i only need the minimum 20 marks to pass the whole module. ._.
Hope for the best and back to studying for my next paper -.-

Current Score: 3-2

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

FINALS vs ME: Day 2

Today's paper was oooookaaayy. At least better than i expected.
His tips were quite accurate except for one chapter where he focused on 1 part during lectures and tutorials and also gave us additional notes and ended up coming out a completely different question that i completely ignored. 10 marks gone right there.

But overall it wasn't bad, and when i compared with a few of my friends, we all made the same mistake and had no clue how to do the same questions. LOL

I love how we never call each other on normal days and the phone keeps ringing before to teach each other questions that we don't understand and after the paper just to discuss on whether we did well on our paper. I think i spent almost 30mins talking on the phone while driving today only talking bout the paper. LOL

I STAYED UP TILL 3AM FOR THIS PAPER AND STUDIED LIKE HELL and the paper came out easier than i expected. I felt like i wasted my time preparing so much for this paper. -.-

But yeah, tmrw is the deadly paper, BANKING LAW.

God bless myself and i shall not fail my law paper AGAIN.

Current Score: 2 - 1

Sunday, July 6, 2014

FINALS vs ME: Day 1

As of today's paper, the Investment Management paper..
I have drastically lost to the paper.
I just pray i earned enough to pass the paper. If i get better results. AMEN TO THAT!

Now to prepare the dumbest paper of all in less than half a day.

Current Score: 1-0

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


after neglecting my blog for 4 months. finally back!
a friend of mine which will not be named recently found out bout my past and keeps on digging it back up.

I'm confidence enough to say that my relationship with my ex won't be as awkward as before since its been years and its in the past. We've both matured, like duhhhh. But this friend of mine keeps questioning our current relationship worrying that we are still in the awkward zone. -.-

Its almost impossible for us to stay awkward since i'm pretty sure i'll be seeing him often in the future. Yes, maybe not that often now, but in the future since we have mutual friends and they're all really close with him. So UNDERSTAND THAT I AM NOT AVOIDING HIM. If my friends were to invite him out on an outing / event that I happen to attend, so be it. You can't expect us to be chatting 24/7 since both of us haven't met for years after the break up. Yes, i mean years. At least we both understand that awkwardness wouldn't bring any good to us in the future.

We chat, we said bye and hugged as a friend during our last meet up. that's a big improvement. :D
We might not be as natural like we used to, but yeah.. its part of the process xD
So for those who worries that he broke my heart and thinks that his a bad guy years ago and I should hate him for the rest of my life..........
I personally don't think so? We were just young and innocent i must say?
Some even thought that I refuse to get into a new relationship because i'm still stuck in the past.
Well that's a BIG NO. I don't think i would ever turn into that way for a guy.
Its just that I haven't found the right guy. My personality might also be the problem, the way i treat my friends and my bf differs.

So yes, if any of you are reading this and thought that way, I know ALOT of you guys do.......
You're obviously wrong. my wound has healed completely and i've moved on! As for when i'm gonna get back to dating..... i'll leave that to faith. :)