Saturday, February 22, 2014

Expect the unexpected.

I've recently met a guy and he shall not be named.
As usual, we introduced each other and started chatting, he was really straight forward, he admitted that he liked me and wanted to meet up with me.
but because i had no car, it was really hard to meet up~ plus, i started working.

there was one day i told him i would be going to further study in UK and he started telling me how hard it would be to to have a relationship with me as it was going to be a long distance relationship, which I completely understand.
but my problem was that we've never met each other before yet he was alrd thinking of starting a relationship with me?............
but as soon as i told him that i would stay there if i ever find a job in UK, that was the last time we spoke. LOL.

He is a good guy and i'm sure we could have be friends but since he sort of gave up on being friends, why would i even bother trying? HAHA.
Its impossible for me to build up any sort of relationship or feel for him if i haven't met him.
so its completely fine.

I expected him to give up on building any love relationship with me since i'm going off to UK but i nvr expected him to completely stop being friends. LOL

I guess its true how guys can never be friends with their ex since they can't even be friends with someone  they had a crush on. -_-
Honestly i thought that he was kinda pathetic, just because u got rejected u completely stop chatting? its so ridiculous i can't even.. LOL

Thank god it was impossible for me to build up any feelings for him. xD

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