Friday, March 27, 2015

i've finally found a way to release stress!
it just so happened FTISLAND had their comeback when I was having stress!
and all their new songs had a dark vibe but at the same time provided HOPE in the lyrics.
it's just soothing to listen and i'm not even saying this because i'm a fan. it's just in general!
their old songs were good but just not good enough.

Listening to FTISLAND songs makes me happy!
also playing basketball! I just realized how much stress I released through playing basketball!
I might not be a good player, but i'm satisfy. and to play with people that appreciates such skills makes me feel more comfortable :)

I love how i'm able to release stress just by bouncing and shooting the ball hard!
I'm pretty sure nobody realized but i've stopped posting certain updates of my life for quite awhile now. it's also one of the reason I get stress up. it might not be a big deal for some, but it's a big deal for me. and me being me, i prefer not to share it. cause no one can change anything hahahahaha!
Those that played basketball with me will probably think i'm having stress because of my dissertation. I prefer to keep it that way :D

it's all up to fate now, i'll just keep praying :D

THANK YOU FTISLAND for having this comeback during this time! The lyrics of some of the songs stroked straight to the heart. It helped me a lot :)

and to those that messaged me and got ignored. SORRY. I tend to do that a lot especially when i'm stress up. I would just not read it if i could.. but i'm human, i get curious! so i read and ignore. hahaha
If you feel bad, I sometimes ignore my mom's message too. so you're not the only one :)

Monday, March 9, 2015


So much shit going on back at home.
I really don't wanna give a fuck about it but i don't have a choice.


Saturday, March 7, 2015


Haven been able to blog because housemate has been hanging in my room daily.
I'm so sick of having to face the same problem again and again.

We've gone through this conversation for endless times. and the results always turn out the same.
I don't get why she has to bring it up every time someone gets sick at home ):

They've been with us for years. In fact 2 out of the 4 have been with me for half of my life!
How the fuck you suppose to think I can let them go easily?
If they were the problem we shouldn't even have had them from the beginning!

She keeps saying that she loves them just as much but i'm pretty sure it isn't as much as I love them.
They are family to me. You can't ask me to pick between the two.

I won't be able to make that decision ):

Every time she mentions this, I get tense up. and this tension won't subside till I know that the damn topic has come to an end.

This is why I don't get too committed to anyone or anything. It's too hard to let go.