Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Am I at an age where I must date?.. Why the heck is everybody questioning on my relationship status?
Especially when I repeatedly said that i'm single. Makes me wonder whether I really look lonely or too occupied. LOL

It's like when I'm honest nobody actually believes and when I'm not honest, people just accepts and shut up. hahahaha

I've been hanging out more often than before only bcause it's the only time I can release stress. hahaha. Visually I might look like I have a lot of male friends, but truthfully, there's less than a hand full that I consider as true friends. I may seem close with alot of them simply bcause I'm very used to hanging out with guys. Going out alone with them doesn't mean we're in a relationship or me liking him or he liking me.

I just feel SUPER DUPER COMFORTABLE hanging out with my male friends because I don't need to guess and think what's on their mind, they usually just tell me. Unlike 90% of my female friends.

I'm very happy and satisfied with my life right now if I exclude my working life. So stop questioning / hovering me on my relationship status. I'm gonna be SUPER DUPER honest to the next person that ask questions on my relationship status so I actually get the message out xD

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What goes around, comes around.

that phone call has been keeping me distracted for the past few days.
I sincerely hope it's the last call i'll hear from her because it's the ONLY REASON why I kept myself saint enough to not screw her over the phone.

If I get another call from her i'm gonna screw her.
She's been tormenting us mentally for the past 10 years. As if causing a broken family wasn't enough.
Part of me is happy that payback has finally hit her. KARMA worked at it's best.
But part of me wondered WHY THE FUCK would she bother calling? I didn't need her to tell me how fucked up my dad is as a man. I DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW IT THROUGH HER.

And for her to think that she could call and not even SUGGEST to apologize for what she's done is horrible. I HAD TO TELL HER TO APOLOGIZE. like WTF?
You're never gonna be forgiven if that was what you were after. I hope you didn't expect us to show you ANY SYMPATHY, because you're not worth it.

Don't even bother telling me how much you love him. THAT ISN'T LOVE. if you need to crush other ppl's love to fulfill your so call LOVE.. than it's bullshit.

I could have become a very different person as to what I am now.. Not that i'm not proud or happy of how I turned up.. but I could have been better perhaps. So yes, I'll always blame you.

I do not appreciate this fucked up situation he put me in but i'll take it in and learn from it. So whoever that can't understand that should just shut up. Show your concern and SHUT THE FUCK UP. I do not need any advise unless you've been through something VERY SIMILAR / EXACTLY what I've been through.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I swear my friends make me feel miserable of being single everytime i meet them.
Why do you need to make such a big deal out of it? i'm happy being single. :D
It's not like i'm not dating because I can't move on or somethinggg.
I'M PERFECTLY FINE. I'm just not eagerly seeking for a relationship.
It will come when the time is right. STOP MAKING A BIG DEAL OUT OF IT. :D

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


If I get sandwich ONE MORE TIME.

WTF did I do to deserve this? you adults either GROW UP or both sides gonna get a peace of my mind.
I'm trying very hard to make both sides happy and if none of you are gonna be understanding then fuck it.

Both sides aren't gonna be happy when I make my point. BE AN ADULT AND THINK LIKE AN ADULT. -_-

Thursday, July 30, 2015


People keep asking me how it feels to be home.
Well. home isn't the same anymore. It's much quiet.
Home doesn't feel like home anymore. :'D

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


I'm finally a bachelor degree holder! :)
more then being happy that i'm graduating, i'm happy to stop studying!
I will definitely miss my studying days, I alrd do!

I've made a lot of fonded memories throughout both my school and college life.
I have made lots of new friends throughout this journey! Some that I hope and intend to keep in touch with, although there's no guarantee. hahaha.
They've helped me a lot throughout my journey in the UK! 

Cheers mates! :)

It's the end of this chapter of my life. and i'm officially unemployed.
Now i'll have to face questions on my next step which I'm not even sure what it is.
Whatever it is and wherever i'll be, it's once again a new beginning!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Thank you?

so a couple of my friends decided to give me so "so call" early surprise birthday celebration since most of us won't be around during the actual day.

But since I alrd knew and couldn't do much about it. I had to go with the flow.
Didn't really felt like celebrating my birthday this year mainly bcause of Kiki's passing.
I usually celebrate my birthday and go home thinking her birthday is in 3 days and we cuddle when I come home. 

But oh well. I don't expect anyone to understand this especially them since we barely known each other. I still appreciate the effort they made though. :)

The only thing I didn't really like was that they.. or should I said he paid for dinner. ):
I know how expensive korean cuisines are in UK and I sort of looked at the price while we were ordering although I can't remember exactly how much it was.. but i'm pretty sure it came up to be around at least 30 pounds for just the meat dishes we ate. Not inclusive of the vegetarian dish my friend called.

IT'S TOO MUCH. I would have let it go if there were a few more that chipped in and share the bill since that's what friends normally do during birthday celebrations. But there was only 2 that shared the bill and one of them basically paid mostly for his own dishes. In addition to that, you guys got me cupcakes and a toy. WHY?):

Now I feel so bad bcause I won't be around when it's his birthday so I can't treat him and I didn't even attend the birthday celebration for the other friend. I don't deserve this. ._____.
And the both of you always treat me stuff........ although you guys always say it's not much. BUT STILL. ):

We are all students in UK so I know how hard it is to save $$ in UK. sighhhhhhhh.

I will definitely find a way to repay them.

So thank you for the little celebration and thank you for not making it too big of a deal although I know it wasn't planned that way. :D


Sunday, July 5, 2015


Why is everyone so sensitive today? ._.
It was just a status.
People think i'm not fine when i'm absolutely fine. ._.
Now i'm confused whether or not i'm fine. LOL.

I hate when people think i'm sensitive and apologizes for nothing.
There was no need for an apology. I would have went myself if I wanted to.
Nobody makes decisions for me unless i ask for it. so chill out people. I'm fine :D

Thursday, July 2, 2015


You can't come and look for me once in awhile and expect me to tell you I miss you and then get mad when I tell you the truth. -.-

I do appreciate your concerns, but c'mon.. how the heck do you expect me to miss you when we only chat once in awhile?

I was just being honest and I do not apologize to that. :)

Sunday, June 28, 2015


I'm not always superstitious. but at times like these, I prefer to be superstitious. :)
I dreamt of Kiki during my trip in Blackpool 
I would like to believe that her soul is in peace. :_)

It was a short dream but it meant a lot.
Thanks for visiting me in my dream baby! 

Saturday, June 13, 2015


i'll be back home soon but i'm not even excited to get home anymore. ):

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


The fact that I can only see her through pictures now is painful T_T
knowing that i'll never see her when I get back home...

My phone is full of pictures of her and myself.
I'll get to scroll through my instagram and phone gallery whenever i miss her
Looking at others playing with their dogs just makes me sad.
It makes me think of the memories we shared.

Yes, i'm still not over her and I don't think I can see dogs the same way I used to.
I MISS HER. no matter what and how people think of me doesn't really matter.



Thursday, May 28, 2015


Thank you to everyone that was concerned.
I usually try really hard to not show it but this time was an exception. I just couldn't.

To those who realized and were concerned asked whether I was okay.
Well, truthfully. I'm not. She was more than a dog to me, she was my family, my best friend, my one and only.

She will always be remembered, she's going to be in my heart for the rest of my life.
Some who doesn't understand would think that i'm making a big deal over a dog, but those who understood got it the minute i mentioned her name. I didn't need to explain, her name just needed to be mentioned.

This made me realize how much a person understands me.
For those who i've met here in the UK, despite us knowing each other for less than a year, they showed concern and for that, i'm grateful. I'm really sorry for avoiding you guys today but I needed a moment, a moment alone to grieve.

For those back in Malaysia, whether or not you were close with Kiki, or you've just seen her through pictures I posted, thanks for the concern.

To Kiki,

I'm glad to know that you left peacefully and I'm sorry for not being able to be there for you during your last moment. You left me with lots of good memories that I would cherish for the rest of my life.

I still can't believe that i'll come home not being able to see you greet me. Home wouldn't be the same without you.

I might have lose a beautiful soul today but heaven has gain an angel. If faith has it, we will meet again.

I love you baby.  

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thank you.

Thank you for being there for me for the past 10 years of my life
And sorry for not being there till the very last moment.

My soulmate, my twin, you're at a better place. RIP  

Uni Life??

most of my results were released today and honestly speaking... i'm damn disappointed with it ):
Surprisingly, my parents aren't too disappointed about it this time.
I was expecting a higher grade for my finance paper... I believed it would have raised my overall grade. 

Although I managed to maintain at the Second Upper class grade that I targeted but still, its disappointing. I guess my first instinct is always right! Didn't have a good feeling after completing that paper anyways. My mind literally went blank during the paper ):

As long as I don't fail my last paper, I'M OFFICIALLY DONE WITH UNIVERSITY LIFE.
I FKING HATE 100% WRITTEN REPORTS. they freaking down graded my overall percentage ):
Since my parents are OKAY with my results, i'll just accept it and move on. 

It's been days and still no good news on Kiki. ):
Things have been pretty bad lately. I NEED SOME POSITIVE NEWS IN MY LIFE.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Conversation leads to realization

Was randomly having a conversation with a friend and realized he observed a very unique point of me.

It's amazing how he knew that I tend to not share my problems with friends and even better, he even knew my friends don't ask me unless i open up to them.
Tbh, no one has ever tell that to me in my face without me asking them, so I find it amazing.
am I that obvious? My friends usually keep questioning me till I just get them to stop asking. LOL

We've only met like idk, 3-4 times and he found my weak point. =/
I still find it hard to trust someone and spill my problems to a person.. especially.. to guys..

But it's good to know that he tried and convince me to trust him and talk to him when I needed to talk to someone. :)
I appreciate the effort and will definitely take that into an account! :)

The thing about being a good listener.. we usually don't get listen to. which is sad, i'm still searching for someone that will listen to my problems. well. not like there isn't any that had offered.. It's just me being me with a dumb personality. xD

Also, i'm so used to having boys treat me as their BRO that it doesn't even feel weird anymore.
I was told to be more feminine. LOL.
Besides not applying make-up, i think i'm feminine?......
He was shocked to know that I actually wear skirts and dress, like WTF? how is that shocking? Do I look like a person that hates wearing skirt / dresses? speeeeechless.

To my soul mate, I hope that you stay healthy and cheerful again.
I will be back soon, if you're starving urself because u miss me, STOP IT AND FREAKING PIG IN YOUR FOOD. T_T
You're freaking causing me mood swings, and I HATE MOOD SWINGS. -.-

Friday, March 27, 2015


i've finally found a way to release stress!
it just so happened FTISLAND had their comeback when I was having stress!
and all their new songs had a dark vibe but at the same time provided HOPE in the lyrics.
it's just soothing to listen and i'm not even saying this because i'm a fan. it's just in general!
their old songs were good but just not good enough.

Listening to FTISLAND songs makes me happy!
also playing basketball! I just realized how much stress I released through playing basketball!
I might not be a good player, but i'm satisfy. and to play with people that appreciates such skills makes me feel more comfortable :)

I love how i'm able to release stress just by bouncing and shooting the ball hard!
I'm pretty sure nobody realized but i've stopped posting certain updates of my life for quite awhile now. it's also one of the reason I get stress up. it might not be a big deal for some, but it's a big deal for me. and me being me, i prefer not to share it. cause no one can change anything hahahahaha!
Those that played basketball with me will probably think i'm having stress because of my dissertation. I prefer to keep it that way :D

it's all up to fate now, i'll just keep praying :D

THANK YOU FTISLAND for having this comeback during this time! The lyrics of some of the songs stroked straight to the heart. It helped me a lot :)

and to those that messaged me and got ignored. SORRY. I tend to do that a lot especially when i'm stress up. I would just not read it if i could.. but i'm human, i get curious! so i read and ignore. hahaha
If you feel bad, I sometimes ignore my mom's message too. so you're not the only one :)

Monday, March 9, 2015


So much shit going on back at home.
I really don't wanna give a fuck about it but i don't have a choice.


Saturday, March 7, 2015


Haven been able to blog because housemate has been hanging in my room daily.
I'm so sick of having to face the same problem again and again.

We've gone through this conversation for endless times. and the results always turn out the same.
I don't get why she has to bring it up every time someone gets sick at home ):

They've been with us for years. In fact 2 out of the 4 have been with me for half of my life!
How the fuck you suppose to think I can let them go easily?
If they were the problem we shouldn't even have had them from the beginning!

She keeps saying that she loves them just as much but i'm pretty sure it isn't as much as I love them.
They are family to me. You can't ask me to pick between the two.

I won't be able to make that decision ):

Every time she mentions this, I get tense up. and this tension won't subside till I know that the damn topic has come to an end.

This is why I don't get too committed to anyone or anything. It's too hard to let go.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Review: Schwarzkopf Cosmic Blue Live Color XXL

Finally took the initiative to dye my hair and decided to try this brand.
As for now, i'm satisfied with the results. I just hope it last long :)

Visually it will look like black with a really deep dark blue tone. I could tell the difference between black and blue black. :)

The thing i like about this hair dye is the smell of the hair dye. there's a very pleasant smell! Not like the hair dye's i smell in the saloon every time i get my hair dyed. :)

The conditioner that came in the box is also really good! My hair is really soft and silky compared to before.

The blue will only shine under sunlight or with the correct camera settings on flash mode.
to be specific, its a blue hue setting on my camera :)

the normal setting wouldn't work at all. at least for my camera.

overall i'm happy with the results but its not my ideal blue. I hope it fades to my ideal blue though. xD

Saturday, February 7, 2015


To the person that I respect.

When I was young, i remembered you saying that I was mature for my age.
I didn't dress nor act like a kid even though I was young.
At that point, I was proud. And I respected you because not much people saw that in me at that point.
You reassured my mom that I will become someone when I grow up. :)

And now that you've hit rock bottom, I hope you don't give up!
I hope you find a way out of that dark side!
I have once respected you and I still respect you~
We might not be close, but i've always respected you deep inside :)
Your family will always be there for you. I hope you wake up and make up for your mistakes!
Make your parents proud! Don't disappoint them! It hurts them even more if you continue being in the state you are right now. It's not too late to wake up and sort things out.

Just make sure u understand that your family will always be there for you.
Don't feel embarrassed to open up to the people who trust you!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Paris: As a Tourist

I've finally granted my own wish of travelling alone! :D
Yes, although it wasn't completely alone but I did most of the travelling myself!
I absolutely love the feeling of being able to do sightseeing alone! :D

When i'm with friends, I usually let them decide and i would just follow along, so when they decide to leave, i'll just leave.
But when i'm travelling alone its a whole different story! I had to do all the research! Yes, i'll admit, i did got lost around Paris. HAHAHAHAHA. But its normal. I couldn't ask anyone knowing most of them probably don't understand english. xD

The good thing about travelling alone is that you won't have to rush. I didn't have to rush taking pictures nor wait up for people. It was all about me. I was able to take as much time as i want in one spot. :D

I accidentally ran into this beautiful cathedral! Growing up watching Hunchback of Notre-Dame over and over again. This building meant a lot! It brought back lots of memories from the past! Whether it was a good or bad.

If i ever come back again, i might pay and go inside the cathedral. it looked amazing in the cartoon. at least that's what I remember... hahaha

As much as I love travelling with my friends, I LOVE travelling alone. :D

The Pont Des Art Love bridge didn't look as beautiful as I was expecting it to though.. Maybe my expectation was just too high. hahaha OR maybe its bcause i'm single. LMAO.

I mainly went to Lovre Pyramid because of the structure and then i realize everybody was trying to touch tips with the pointy end. It was hilarious watching everyone taking picture with the same pose. I literally stood there for 10 mins just to watch ppl trying to touch tips with the pointy end. xD

But tbh, the building surrounding the pyramid watch so much more interesting imo.

After passing by this, I realized FTISLAND came here an hour later, they had a selfie with the same building.. which is sad. I COULD HAVE MET THEM. but oh well, its fate.

My next goal as a fan is to run into them when i'm outside, instead of stalking them from the back door of a concert venue xD

Overall, I gained a lot from this Paris trip as a fan and as a normal person! :D
I'm so happy I had this chance. 2 of my life goals were fulfilled during this trip!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Paris: As A Primadonna

My first trip to Paris is definitely going to be a memorable one! I got to experience things I never thought I would! :)

The main reason for this trip wasn't to explore around Paris but was to attend FTHX in Paris! :D

Although i've been to concerts of FTISLAND. but this time it was different! In many ways! The atmosphere watching them live in another country is a whole new experience and different feeling than watching them live in Malaysia for many times!

They were shocked to see many European fans supporting them! You could tell by their faces that they did not see it coming! The crowd were able to sing along a few songs and they were completely shocked! Their expressions was PRICELESS. You could never see this in Malaysia because Malaysian could never do that. IDK WHY. even if we can, the concert venue is too big, they won't be able to hear us singing. The concert was AMAZING! It was the best out of all that i've been to! Even my friend who's been to their concerts in Korea said the same thing!

Hongki's vocals were PERFECT. Let's not forget bout Jae Jin's vocals, Jong Hoon's and Seung Hyun's guitar solo and Min Hwan's drum solo which i have rarely seen live! All 5 of them contributed equally to this concert! They even changed the set list which is something they rarely do T_T

I got to hear all of my favourite songs! even from their latest album which I LOVE. Hongki also sang Bad Women and Girls Don't Know which is from their old albums which I ALSO LOVE. It was beautiful! I couldn't ask for it to be any better! and when hongki forgot the lyrics to the old songs, it was ADORABLE. Both the fans and FTISLAND made mistakes during the concert and we all laughed it out when it happened, which i find HILARIOUS. I laughed so hard when either one of us made mistakes. xD

I even got to see all 5 of them UP CLOSE outside. and i didn't have to pay for it! LOL. YES, IT WAS DEFINITELY CLOSER THAN THE FAN SIGN EVENT I WENT DURING PLAY CONCERT. Hongki and Jong Hoon literally walked out from the venue and posed for the camera and allowed us to take pictures. it was as if they were telling us to take pictures of them! they posed and posed and posed! and even said okay, LAST PICTURE! before they finished of. SUCH FAN SERVICE! WHAT ELSE COULD I HAVE ASKED FOR? XD

and as if it was meant to be! I was all prepared to go home after the Day 1 concert, then I received a text from a friend saying all trains from Eurostar were cancelled for the day as they found smoke in the tunnel. Usually, I would be REALLY PISSED because I would have to stay for another night in Paris and had nothing to do... BUT it just so happen FTISLAND had a second concert on that night! LOLOL. We were both happy and thankful for the cancellation because that meant we could attend for their 2nd concert! :D

2nd day was equally AMAZING. It was basically like a live band performance in a pub. They were having beer while performing, they even gave out 5 cups of beers to the fans! I swear Jong Hoon had at least 3 cups of beer. LOL. Hongki announced that they were drunk after finishing their first song. They probably already had at least 1 cup per person before the concert. LOL. It was great seeing this side of them! They really missed performing in small pubs like the old days and I was one of the lucky ones that were able to experience that! It was one of those moment when FTISLAND didn't felt like a commercialized band. They were like an indie band

The best part of this concert is that I just called up Eurostar to get a compensation for my hotel and food expenses due to the cancellation of the flight and the delay of the reappointed flight, and they told me they were going to refund me on my train tickets and provide me with a FREE ONE WAY TRIP booking. It's like I'm getting a refund on my expenses, a free one way trip ticket for my next trip and they indirectly paid for my concert tickets since they decided to refund me for my train tickets. WOOTS! FREE CONCERT! I didn't have to pay for anything but my concert tshirt that I bought. Everything else was covered by Eurostar 

I even got to meet fans from all over the world. Places I didn't even know existed. LOL. Probably since I suck in geography..... but still! We were all united because of FTISLAND. and that is one hell of an amazing feeling! They might not speak proper english but we shared the same interest! We all loved FTISLAND and were able to communicate well without any awkwardness despite meeting for the first time! I'm usually awkward with people I meet for the first time but it wasn't the case with them! :D

We even sang together in public while queuing. It was a beautiful scene 

Overall, it was a whole new experience for me as a fan! I can't believe I got to meet my idol outside of where I live. not in Malaysia, but in PARIS! woots! :D

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Since most of the phone cases i've bought has flaws. I finally took the initiative to design a new phone case for myself! :D

but when my bro took a picture of it.. part of the design was cropped out to fit to the case

sigh. the left side of the headphone on my heart was cropped out. ): But at least the color didn't fade or anything. so i'm still satisfied with it :D

Bro's camera picture quality is really really REALLY bad though -.-

can't wait to receive it when he brings it over!! :D
new phone case to use when i attend FTHX in Paris in 9 more days! WOOTS! :D

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Not sure whether its because of the weather or its just me.
especially late night snacks. i'm out of snacks to fill me up!

and i can't seem to concentrate in my study. I've been watching drama more than studying T_T